My interest in male talent is largely motivated by the Movember campaign and its efforts to improve men’s health and create awareness of prostate cancer and other issues. Through my studio and art projects my aim is to contribute to the Movemebr Campaign each November by doing masculine inspired art events as well as connect others to my Movember campaign at . Accordingly, I’ve developed my own branding, Body Of Benin, for an uncensored exploration of male health and body topics, from my own African-American male perspective. Honoring our male health and unique masculine gender expression as a cohesive group is often a difficult accomplishment. As men we create a great deal conflict over the reinforcement of an array of demographic biases that we hold over ourselves and each other. And while the particular contemporary discussion of gender focuses heavily on female empowerment and correcting the ills of colonial patriarchy, the task of progressive male health is to be corrective, establishing an inclusive, restorative patriarchy.
For Men’s Talent development the Movember campaign is a great opportunity for ensuring good sportsmanship and care among men in the industry and in society to make healthier choices in mental, cognitive and physical health. The campaign is a move toward male body positivity, inclusive masculinity and patriarchal restorative justice. The Movember campaign is a way for us to rally around the most quintessential male things we do in a constructive and inclusive way.
Intersex Erasure
One of the worst human rights violations is the non-recognition of intersex people. Often derogatorily mislabeled as “hermaphrodite”, the mythology of non-binary sex assumes people are born male or female, or sometimes choose operation to become trans. However, this is a gross assumption that has led to discrimination, even at the medical, neonatal level. People who are intersex are born with natural variations but have been forced to survive invasive intersex genital mutilation (IGM) or social erasure. Ignorance of their existence may be a matter of fact, but forgetting that such diversity exists is a psychological genocide.
Human Trafficking & Sex Workers Rights Awareness
Often support exists elusively for women when we generally acknowledge lives taken advantage by exploitation and trafficking. We assume men are “undesirable” and are “marginal” and therefore insignificant number of cases of people who count as victims. However that is a myth and one of the biggest errors of the new SESTA/ FOSTA policies that have created erasure of sex worker voices, criminalization of sexuality professions and censorship of sex related content. But it must be acknowledge men survive (and overcome) predatory pimp and exploitative relationships. Young men, too, are forced to overcome the challenges of escape and transferring and developing skills for a decriminalized, autonomous existence.
Resume – Resumes give a concise record of your career experience. Varieties include functional, chronological, federal chronological, combination and curriculum vitae. Although there are a variety of approaches to resume writing, the key mission of the resume is to document work history. The secondary function is as a conversation starter with a hiring manager. The very last function is to serve as a marketing device. As far as components, be sure your resume uses a neutral voice, presents a succinct professional profile, and a concise, statistical description of your performance.
Portfolio – For those in fashion, modeling, the arts, culinary, graphic design.
Reel – For those entering film, theatre, animation, performance.
Press kit – For singers, musicians, bands, etc.
Copyright – Legal ownership of printed and published works.
Licensing – Legal ownership of digital and media works.
Corporate, Independent & Professional Creative Careers Tracks
Creative professionals like any in any industry engage in a craft or practice. Whether you are an illustrator, journalist, musician, life model, bodybuilder or even an adult actor you have a basic set of work ethics and specialized skills with the SAME inherent value as a doctor, lawyer, scientist, officer, politician or even soldier. If its crosshatching, editorial, falsetto, contrapposto, classic physique or BDSM, you burn an comparable amount of calories, invested a comparable amount of time and developed a comparable amount of customer service skill and finesse to ensure the happiness of your customers and respect from peers in your field. However, in the economic of supply and demand, often in capitalist free markets, we’re all forced to negotiate our value. And often time this negotiation isn’t ensured by socialized structures like healthcare, insurance and education. This means many professionals risk having little financial cushion and can potentially lose a great deal when the bottom falls out.
Pros – Creator owns all content – Full creative license. – High value retention
Pros – High authoritative level for decision making. – Duties focus on pure design, planning and policy. – Major focus on cross-industry collaboration and advocacy.
Cons – Company owns all rights to your content. – Limited creative license. – Consistent workload
Cons – High customer service skills required. – Frequent marketing responsibility – Less project time
Cons – Maximum communication required for both verbal and written, formal and informal reporting – Higher administrative duty at the expense of creative opportunity.
Corporate Creative Work
In the negotiation of the value of both your service and products you produce is the biggest battle in the market. When you work as an agent of a company, you sell your agency and traditionally you sell your rights to the materials that you produce for the duration of the contract. This has been a mixed bag for many creatives for long time. Often the exchange is for full benefits and the reputation of the company brand is gained by the creative, but at the expense on a negotiated amount of work and rights to the material that’s produced. Many great musicians and comic book creators with less business savvy found themselves spending their entire careers with one company, later realizing they sacrificed the best of their efforts to a shareholder created entity. This business style is helpful for creatives new to business or trying to gain foothold in a particular market or just build recognition. However it certainly has a shelf life to be aware of.
Independent Creative Work
independent contracting requires not just talent and creativity, but also discipline, communication, tact and business savvy.
Talent management such as… Performance contracts, film waivers, adult verification, non disclosure agreement
Legal compliance like… production permits, cabaret licenses, records keeping statements, tax forms
General Audience Subscription Channels
Adult Audience Subscription Channels
Deviant Art
Only Fans
Just for Fans
Professional Work & Advocacy
As your work capacity changes, the ultimate goal is to have built other certifications and degrees, published unit oriented products like videos, publications, etc, and then work as a consultant who shares knowledge, wisdom and guidance to upcoming professionals.
The following organizations, their certifications, memberships and training can elevate your value as model into being a spokesperson, lecturer, columnist or even academic candidate. Consider joining these for career longevity and contingency planning.
The Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification The Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC) is the world’s largest rehabilitation counseling organization dedicated to improving the lives of individuals with disabilities. CRCC sets the standard for competent delivery of quality rehabilitation counseling services through its nationally accredited and internationally recognized Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) certification program and serves all rehabilitation counseling professionals through the CRCC COMMUNITY.
Cosplay Is Not Consent. Org MISSION STATEMENT: To empower fan convention costume enthusiasts (aka “cosplayers”) to SPEAK OUT against inappropriate social behavior of a sexual and/or stereotypical nature for themselves and fellow fans… cosplay is NOT consent!
Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE.) This year millions of school children around the world will benefit from D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education), the highly acclaimed program that gives kids the skills they need to avoid involvement in drugs, gangs, and violence.
South Bay Youth Services (SBYS) Established in 2019 to meet the increased demand for services for LGBTQ+ youth and families and to increase access to vital support and programs, the SBYC will offer gender identity groups, arts programs, social activities, tutoring and discussion groups. A therapist will also be available on site.
Comic Book Lega Kool Defense Fund
“Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting the First Amendment rights of the comics medium.” —
The Committee to Protect Journalists The Committee to Protect Journalists is an independent, nonprofit organization that promotes press freedom worldwide. We defend the right of journalists to report the news safely and without fear of reprisal.
Screen Actors Guild & American Federation of Television and Radio Artists(SAG-AFTRA)
“SAG-AFTRA represents approximately 160,000 actors, announcers, broadcast journalists, dancers, DJs, news writers, news editors, program hosts, puppeteers, recording artists, singers, stunt performers, voiceover artists and other media professionals.” —
International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE)
“Founded in 1893, the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees represents workers in the entertainment industry. Our members work in all forms of live theater, motion picture and television production, trade shows and exhibitions, television broadcasting, and concerts as well as the equipment and construction shops that support all these areas of the entertainment industry.” —
Model Mayhem
“Model Mayhem is the #1 portfolio website for professional models and photographers. Create a profile, upload your photos and connect with other professionals.” —
The Modeling Alliance
“The Model Alliance promotes fair treatment, equal opportunity, and sustainable practices in the fashion industry, from the runway to the factory floor.” —
“We work together to understand the problem, ignite public conversations, and develop innovative strategies that result in safe and welcoming environments for all. We believe that we all deserve to be who we are, wherever we are.” —
American Civil Liberties Union
“The ACLU’s mission remains realizing the promise of the Bill of Rights for all and expanding the reach of its guarantees. Beyond one person, party, or side — the ACLU dares to create a more perfect union.” —
Electronic Frontiers Foundation
“The leading nonprofit defending digital privacy, free speech, and innovation.” —
Pineapple Support
Pineapple Support Society is a free support and therapy service for all persons working in the online adult industry – no matter their gender, ethnic origin, social status, age or sexual preference. We have an ever growing team of sex-worker friendly, kink-aware therapists who offer face-to-face and online video therapy sessions. We operate 24/7, and we raise funds to help with the costs of professional coaching, counselling and therapy for those who need it.
The Association of Black Sexologists and Clinicians The Association of Black Sexologists and Clinicians promotes the sexual health of individuals, couples, families, and communities by advocating for culturally sensitive research, informed clinical practice, and culturally sensitive educational curricula. The organization seeks to foster ongoing dialogue in an effort to reduce and or prevent adverse sexual health outcomes. As a welcoming and affirming organization, we advocate for sexual, racial, and gender equality.
Adult Performers Artists Guild
“The goal of the Adult Performers Artists Guild is to earn employee rights, set performer artist responsibilities, negotiate fair practices, and help performers provide themselves with a better future.” —
Free Speech Coalition
“The FSC represents the adult industry in legislative and regulatory processes, and educates the general population to alleviate common misconceptions, build bridges, advocate for our communities and their rights.” —
International Entertainment Adult Union
“The I.E.A.U. is a non-profit labor organization approved by the Department of Labor since 2015. Currently, there are three registered subordinate bodies (chapters) under the I.E.A.U. with more to come.” —
Kinsey Institute
“For more than 70 years, the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University has been the trusted source for scientific knowledge and research on critical issues in sexuality, gender, and reproduction.” —
Somatic Sex Education Association
“The Mission of the SSEA is to offer public education, professional trainings and ongoing professional development in support of somatic sex education and sexological bodywork in Canada, the United States, and around the world.” —
Institute for the Study of Somatic Sex Education
“People are seeking sex educators who are willing to work with embodied practices that address trauma, support healing, and expand what is possible for them sexually. But they need to know that they can trust you! Our extensive training, professional associations, and clear guidelines for ethical practice make trust possible.” —
International Professional Surrogate Association
“IPSA supports a worldwide community of professionals in the field of surrogate partner therapy, which includes surrogate partners, therapists, and individuals in need of and supportive of surrogate partner therapy.” —
SEEDS Educational Services, Inc.
SEEDS Educational Services, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that specializes in curriculum development, training, and speaking engagements regarding Social-Sexual services for people with developmental disabilities.” —
Sex Coach U
“At Sex Coach U, we train sex positive individuals to transform their passions for sexuality and for helping others into a thriving and successful business as Certified Sex Coaches™.” —
The Association of Somatic & Integrative Sexologists (ASIS)
“Healthy sexual embodiment and sexual pleasure are our birthright. The Association of Somatic and Integrative Sexologists (ASIS) is dedicated to enhancing people’s lives through supporting individuals to achieve their full potential of sexual embodiment, building awareness about the profession of somatic sexology, and providing professional criteria for practitioners working in the field.” —
Headshots – Baseline expression, plus three expressions at three angles. Choose from expressions reference. Street clothes.
Headshots add relatability and connection with audiences. While many think headshots are limited to people auditioning in Hollywood, its important to understand that media industries are international and decentralized such as South Korea, Bollywood, Nollywood and various Telenovela genres in Latin America. Additionally the headshot and production standards have proliferated not only into social media profiles but also innovative job market methods like video resumes. Quality and versatile headshots allow you to execute a variety of your most effective expressions and get to know your baseline. Often if you have the colloquially known poker face / RBF (resting b*tch face), its good to popularize a nice laughing or smiling image. While for fashion and erotica often a serious look is common, it isn’t always universal especially as even bodybuilders are expected to bear an electric grin for posing.
Physique Baseline
Physique – Baseline poses, plus three bodybuilding poses at three angles. Choose from bodybuilding reference. Oiled, posing strap, jock or nude.
The aesthetic appreciation of the body with roots in life modeling. Body types first include kinesiology spectrum of bone and muscle structures of mesomorphic, endomorphic and ectomorphic. Then physical conditioning crosses a variety of professional modeling genres from fitness to erotica which includes plus size, chub, samson, twink, lean, fitness, bear, otter, bodybuilder, average, etc. While fitness was glorified by the 50s pin-up industry into the steroid aesthetic of the 80s and 90s, society has entered a sustainable and diverse revolution for body positivity. This is a helpful development in the face of building challenges with psychiatric disabilities of anorexia, bulimia, bigorexia and other body dysmorphia disorders.
Classic Muscle – Three poses from three angles. Choose three pinup poses. Oiled, posing in strap, jock or nude.
Get some fitness pointers via my training approaches below:
My weightlifting style incorporates ayurvedic flexibility techniques along with traditional weightlifting.
We assume all people have access to the sexuality of their own or negotiation of others be if flings, casual relationships or formal partners. We also assume that everyone has an easily distinguished physiology, gender and orientation. However these assumptions are a foundation for bias and bigotry. Some of the most egregious discrimination are in the largest communities, heteronormal community and the sexually able-bodied community. Often in heteronormative communities the assumption of strict reproductive sexuality is assumed while non-reproducing, single individuals are seen as wasting resources. Human value doesn’t decrease if someone is barren and such a stance is supported by the Childfree movement. Additionally, the able-bodied community often assumes that the disabled body is incapable of being attractive or even worth sexualization. One of the most problematic extremes is in the gay community in which ideas of “clean” persist regarding HIV and modern medical advances like Truvada/ PreP as well as undetectable status is often overlooked.
Sexuality is a human need like eating. And as we all have diverse origins, we all have unique conditions of attraction and interaction. Accordingly this means we have a variety of sexualities–including majorities and minorities. However we overlook minorities of sexuality who are often people with disabilities, minority intersex sexualities or from minority orientations.
In modeling and being talent we have to realize that our aesthetic delivers beauty, attraction and sometimes even opportunities of expression for people with less opportunity. And especially as models from those minority backgrounds, we serve as a spokesperson of body positivity and sex positivity to attest that our minority demographic also can be sexual, emotive and beautiful. As the only male, ethnic person with a disability, lgbtqia, non-cisgender, etc. model available and present, you fight the biggest threat to diversity: Erasure.
Elements of Boudoir and Avant Garde modeling:
Mannerism – In modeling be it life modeling, fashion fit modeling, fitness, bodybuildng, or pin up, the stance, the posture, the look, etc. all convey certain emotional overtones. From crossed arms to a raised pinky, mannerism communicates.
Grooming and allure – There are a variety of styles from military buzzcuts, disco glam, gothic rock, rugged woodsman, punk rock, rebel, etc. styles. Each aesthetic has its own nuances, but equally interesting for anyone who chooses it.
Gender styling – Long misunderstood, gender was finally clarified by Judith Butler as a performative expression. While genders of masculine, feminine and neuter have played musical chairs over the years, all are exciting artistic rule to break and recreate in styles of clothing, colors, postures, etc.
Orientation and Sexuality – Described as a spectrum or ultimately as fluid, human beings are the only mammals on the planet (besides bonobo apes and dolphins) that also use sexuality performatively for social communication in addition to reproductive functions. With this performative quality it also fits into aesthetics and the performative gender hypothesis.
Fashion – Fashion also serves purposes beyond functionality. From body adornment to elaborate costuming, fashion communicates a variety of social statuses including gender, class, profession, culture, group-membership, etc.
When we participate in photographing and being photographed we are also engaging in mirror-gazing, but in a positive and prolonged fashion. Artistic figure modeling allows us to understand the plastic nature of our bodies and how we have enough power over our aesthetic to affect all the formal artistic principles such as negative and positive space, symmetry, radial balance, color theory, mood, etc. In the nude we find liberty and separation from both our form and sexuality. We find out which parts of our bodies imbue us with strength or which parts imbue us with vulnerability. And like any practice in Mindfulness, photography freezes that moment in time so that we can meditate upon it and seek enlightenment. It allows us to realize that we have no “flaws” but instead just rich, meaningful detail which we can accentuate as loudly or as quietly as we’d like. Scholars Phillips et. al. & Veal supports an approach for CBT that creates a healthy ethic when we mirror-gaze composed of several points:
) “Use mirrors at a slight distance and use ones that are large enough to show most of the body”;
) “Focus attention on the reflection in the mirror rather than on how you feel”;
) “Use a mirror only for an agreed function (e.g. shaving, putting on make-up) and for a limited period of time”;
) “Use a variety of different mirrors and lights rather than sticking to the one you ‘trust’ “;
) “Focus attention on the whole of your face rather than on selected areas”;
) “Do not use mirrors that magnify”;
) “Do not use ambiguous reflections (e.g. windows, the backs of compact disks or cutlery)”;
) “Do not to use a mirror when you feel depressed: try to delay essential use until you feel happier or find other things to do until the urge to mirror-gaze has passed” (Veal 2001, p 131).
Veal essentially outlines an approach on how to look at ourselves aesthetically. Just as in art appreciation, even with ourselves, there is a formal and trained way to look. Not just an intuitive “good picture” or a narcissi tic, isolated selfie.
Top self-image principles are:
1. Achieve absolute confidence
2. Feel relaxed and great naked
3. Become comfortable in your own skin
4. Embrace of your inner exhibitionist
To establish a psychological baseline about your self-image are the following self-assessments. These of course should not be taken in lieu of actual physician’s advice. However these are helpful in gauging the nature of advice to seek, goals to set, etc. with a trained clinical professional.:
The male image as any gendered image exists through art, drama and sexuality. However we are in an era in which cisgender traditions have culminated into crises in the public arena such as domestic violence, homophobia, misogyny and mass incidents of sexual terror such as groups like Incel. Through historically uninformed, pop culture driven imagery, manipulation by political ideology, and other mental health factors, gender expression for men has become increasingly narrow, confining and warped.
QABPROSERV holds the hypothesis that using art therapy such as photography, modeling and role play, men can be cognitively, psychiatrically, physically and sexually empowered and rehabilitated in the effect of reducing homophobia, sexist anti-female bias, sexual dysfunctions, body dysmorphia and general antisocial personality disorder related behaviors. Using conventional, boudoir, physique and Avant Garde film and photography to produce “process film and images” in which male clients can be guided by image counseling to transform themselves for surrogate viewers of their modeling work. This approach combines cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), appreciative inquiry and motivational interviewing to achieve holistic self-empowerment and realization of egalitarian sex and gender goals through the performance of visualizations.
This approach was presented for both the San Diego State University Sociology 2019 Praxis in Education Conference as well as at the 2019 Japan Black Studies Conference in Kyoto. This research underlies the approach to male imaging at QABPROSERV and the goal of helping men find pluralism is various degrees of their masculine expression in the ultimate goal of inclusive masculinity and detoxification of warped “man enough” ideologies.
Continued in main article:
Male body negativity: Penis negativity, circumcision, ableism, fat shaming, fag-shaming, anti-fem, etc. Oppression of women: Women as property, child marriage, infanticide, dowry exchanges and genital mutilation. Male Expendability: High risk jobs, war collateral, short life planning, lack of choice/ freedom.. Antisocial tendencies: Communication aversion, low emotional intelligence Class Status Nepotism: Hierarchical stratification along racial, religious, sexual, gender, wealth, etc. and the reinforcing the valuation of lives and cultures accordingly.
Male body positivity: Penis positivity, intactivism, interdependence, body diversity, sexual fluidity, gender negotiation, etc. Liberation of women: Women as equals, adult marriage, communal child-rearing, egalitarian civil unions and all-sex intactivism Male Valorization: Low risk jobs, peace negotiation, full life stage planning, right to lifestyle choice/ freedoms. Collaborative relationships: Communication orientation, high emotional intelligence. Egalitarian status distribution: Egalitarian stratification that overlaps racial, sexual, gender, wealth, etc. and reinforcing the valuation of lives and cultures evenly.
In my own approach I provide a person-centered perspective from being a model with barriers–a dark African-American skin male, masculine demeanor, artistic experience, Pacific Rim heritage, etc. I also share some of my own very unique and verifiable scientific understandings from my studies in psychology, sociology, fitness, counseling and more. I also have a unique gender studies approach that highlights Men’s Studies, female-empowering-masculinity and activism. Because my first peer-aged role model is my older sister, I feel it is my duty to stand against the problematic issues of the industry: models who are underage; the imposition of male aesthetic standards upon women; glass ceilings for performers; and incomplete and exploitative business models.
IFBB Professional Bodybuilder Nick Bustos, QABPROSERV.COM, Spring 2018
While there is still much stigma towards the black male body, homophobia, etc. it can be a powerful journey of self-realization and empowerment. The first modeling baseline I took was for a classmate’s art school portfolio. Although he held a powerful exhibition, I was still working through body image issues. Showing the pictures to friends upon my return, I got a negative response and threw away the prints. However these were important steps in realizing my acceptance and rehabilitation of my own image. Growing up and being called “dark” for my skin tone, or “spider-boy” for my leanness was a scarring i was unaware of until I took the time to look. Often times we misinterpret “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” to mean that beauty is relative when in fact that larger meaning is that beauty exists in the ability to behold something–anything! And from that first modeling experience I was actually able to see myself for who and what I was and begin my journey of appreciation.
As “non-standard” looking men in a place like Southern California, we often have less opportunities due to the obsession with the Nordic looking blonde hair and bronze skin models that are in high demand. Opportunities for Black, Asian and Latino models can be fewer. In fact often when we are noticed or scouted, we take offense. But its not because we are ugly, but instead a conditioning that we’ve been bombarded with through unnatural images and messages that we are “exotic”. But truth be told, the Nordic image of Southern California is unnatural, created historically through eugenic sterilization of minorities for decades and a steady talent stream into Hollywood and the upper echelon. So while it is an established fact that the Abercrombie & Fitch look is nice, QABPROSERV is dedicated to helping spotlight the entire gamut of masculinities aesthetics (masculinities)
Modeling–often both over-glorified and undervalued–is an integral part of our human experience be it in testing applications of experiments in science and empirical observation; understanding light and texture on form in the arts; role modeling to help people master interactive processes; or in performing a role for an artist, photography, voice acting, stage, fashion or marketing. In any case, modeling epitomizes our mastery of gender and sexual performance of roles in masculine, feminine, neuter, dominant, submissive, etc. And within each of those performances exists a broad range of expression in color, style, attitude and nuance. And most of all–unlike many institutions may lead us to believe–each gender expression carries incredible and equal power both inherently and relationally.
Although most only acknowledge modeling in passing, an detailed science is behind it all. One of our brain’s largest regions, the occipital lope, functions like a video card to help us display a constant amount of visual information from which we are able to emulate, learn and synthesize into our lifelong adaptations. Although the popularly known “Modeling Industry” focuses especially on commercial marketing, the birthplace has scientific origins as old as the Renaissance. Old masters like DaVinci and Donatello initiated some of the first scientific observations studying dissection, anatomy, life drawing, mood and even gender and its effects in capturing and communicating to their audience.
Profoundly, mastery of modeling allows us to epitomize professionalism which can often encompass a variety of things. While we generally imagine vocations like education, psychology, law and politics at the heart o professionalism, modeling allows us to tap the power psychology of the most glorified fields of entertainment, spots, military, etc. Through building confidence and self-efficacy, we expand our capacity for vital skills such as customer service, initiative and well crafted intentional appearance to leave a lasting impression.
We all are invested to some degree with our health wether that be physical, emotional or cerebral. For those trying to keep up with their physical health, here’s a helpful series of rules that can reduce messy gyms, dirty lockers and invasive homophobic thoughts.
Let’s stay body positive and embrace our physical human experience as diverse as it may be across our interactional identities. Your age, gender, sex, ethic heritage, disability status, etc. all are unique and beautiful traits worth appreciating. Forthermore your body is a wonderful mechanism that is perfectly designed by nature.
There’s a term in Japanese that guys use called “tureshon” an dits kind of the male equivalent of when women excuse themselves to freshen up. My friends there taught me that body confidence and self-acceptance starts with bearing the skin you’re born in. And be it at the hot springs or public bath, the only thing that matters is your health and relaxation.
Lockers are like spas: shower off sweat, shave away stubble, chat in the sauna appreciate gains in the mirror. Letting awkwardness or homophobia interfere with our mutual cultivation of our *masculinity (health, gender identity) isn’t just immature, it’s inhumane. Leave competition on the field. Society’s about cooperation.
Photography by David Gray/ YogaBearStudio 2015.(
We’ve come into a dynamic and challenging era in the new age of Gender in the United States. As sexual equity has increased, creating more egalitarian opportunities for both men and women. The challenges of sexual fluidity, the marginalized intersex community and the cohesive definition of gender remain as frontiers to be mastered. This challenge is prevalent in our lives as it determines our proclivities, anxieties and coping mechanisms in our most basic Belonging Needs as outlined in Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. As a man navigating gender equity and my role as well as future as a holder of the XY chromosome, I’d like to ensure I can understand how I fit and pass that on to my own offspring if I am ever so fortunate to bear any. As a rehabilitation counselor, privileged to be a sexually fluid, cisgender masculine identifying male, I’d like to expand my practice to specialize in men’s rehabilitation. I feel my Master of Science in Rehabilitation Counseling; my work experience in counseling; and my strong network into both the straight and LGBT male communities provide me a demographic from which I can both gather and provide transformative data. As well, I feel my Bachelor of Art in language; my art studio; and my professional experience in both fitness and modeling; can help me form effective experimental designs as well as therapies to assist men in navigating, mastering and finding satisfaction in both their male sexuality, orientation and gender identity. In a Ph. D program, I’d like to pursue the hypothesis:
Through art, drama and sex therapies focused on photography, modeling and role play, men can be cognitively, psychiatrically, physically and sexually rehabilitated in the effect of reducing homophobia, sexist anti-female bias, sexual dysfunctions, body dysmorphia and general antisocial personality disorder related behaviors. I’d like to pursue this using conventional, boudoir, physique and Avant Garde film and photography to produce “process film and images” in which the client (a male), counselor (myself) and the surrogate (art viewer) can use CBT, appreciative inquiry and motivational interviewing to achieve both internal and external results of self-improvement accordant to gender and sex egalitarian goals as depicted through the performance of visualizations.
To properly discuss male rehabilitation with the challenges of our new era of sex and gender freedom and transitions, we need to ask and define what the terms of the conversation mean. Many terms on the tables that have grown out of Feminist and LGBT discourse have been under attack and not objectively analyzed. And as a result, the core technology we use in this discussion to improve society—language—has become convoluted. Complicated questions have arisen like, “What’s the difference between unisex vs gender neutral?”; “Does toxic masculinity mean masculinity is toxic?”; “Isn’t feminism only for white women?”; “How is a masculinism movement not inherently misogynistic?” etc. Because of cultural and policy factors of the USA like abstinence only until marriage education (AOUM), inadequate sexuality education for students with disabilities, etc. education on the basic terms of sex and gender are too much of a dire risk for the public and professional world assume (Fine, 2006, p.307-308).
Because the conversation is so sophisticated, before we fully engage we all have to scale back our questions to more simple elementary basics that we thought we knew, but are actually more complex, like, What is sex? What is sexuality? What is gender? What is orientation? I’ll initially explore these terms and as the paper unfolds, I’ll explain and apply other terms as they arise in an analysis of my hypothesis.
What is Sex?
Sex is both noun and verb. While it can apply to action that incudes procreation, it also serves as mechanism of stress relief, social bonding, reconciliation, trust building, performance and even business. However, as a noun it classifies how we are born from our mothers and our genital descent. The sexual types are not just male or female, but usually termed intersex: hermaphrodite (herm), male hermaphrodite (merm) and female hermaphrodite (ferm). Intersex hermaphrodites usually have sexual organs and features solidly in the middle. Intersex male hermaphrodites present as male, but internally have female organs. And Intersex female hermaphrodites present as female although their internal equipment is male. In more medical language, the varieties of intersex are congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) and especially rare, 5-alpha-reductase deficiency (5ARD). However, when we look at forms, we are only offered “male” or “female” (our sex). There are never any squares with “male, merm, herm, ferm and female” nor forms with “XX, CAH, AIS, 5ARD, XY”. As a public, we are ill-informed and our understanding of the varieties in which we humans naturally (without human tinkering) occur is quite low and tend to be restricted to limited segments of the medical community.
So, when it comes to the public, the proliferation of both non-information and misinformation forces the public to confuse sex with gender and restricts our discourse on both gender and sexuality. Gender identity discussions become even more convoluted when “cisgender” discussions tend to be heteronormative and focus on male vs female, while discussing the intersex minority remains taboo if not marginalized. When people explore more common non-traditional sexuality and gender realities like transgenderism or transsexualism, the common focuses are male-to-female (MTF) or female-to-male (FTM) dynamics. It is virtually never that you see male-to-intersex (MTI) or female-to-Intersex (FTI) procedures nor patients who seek it specifically as a goal. When people discuss cisgender privilege or how case documents should have “male”, “female”, “transgender”, it often is a faux pas of heteronormative privilege. In a culture of pathological binary thinking, the intersex-positive stance can revolutionize and reenergize discussions between the sexes and balance some of the arguments of the transgender/ transsexual movement. Transitioning sex to either male or female is a privilege for anyone of a cisgender birth, while born Intersexual individuals never had the opportunity to choose formal identifiers of “male”, “female” and especially their birthright term: “intersex”.
Sexual Physiology continuum
What is Gender?
Oftentimes when discussing human sexuality and gender, controversy ensues because not are the two confused, but there is also a large degrees to which gender is non-biologically socially constructed and rooted in communication, art, language, etc. In order to succinctly understand it, the public must establish a valid definition of gender in order to meaningfully discuss it as well as govern it. Often in society we carry the misconception of gender based in Sex Role Theory (SRT) which “fosters the notion of a singular female or male personality, a notion that has been effectively disputed, and obscures the various forms of femininity and masculinity that women and men can and do demonstrate” (Courtenay, 2000, p. 1387). This essentially points out that the idea of gender is one we continue to conflate and confuse with sex. While SRT tries to convince us that sex and gender are not only binary, but they are synonymous as well. However, the research and science support that both physical sex as well as social gender are neither binary, yet both varied. However, Courtenay goes on to elaborate on a few ways gender works:
From a constructionist perspective, women and men think and act in the ways that they do not because of their role identities or psychological traits, but because of concepts about femininity and masculinity that they adopt from their culture. (Pleck et al., 1994a).
Gender is not two static categories, but rather “a set of socially constructed relationships which are produced and reproduced through people’s actions” (Gerson and Peiss, 1985, p. 327);
It is constructed by dynamic, dialectic relationships (Connell, 1995). Gender is “something that one does, and does recurrently, in interaction with others” (West and Zimmerman, 1987, p. 140; italics theirs);
It is achieved or demonstrated and is better understood as a verb than as a noun (Kaschak, 1992; Bohan, 1993; Crawford, 1995).
Most importantly, gender does not reside in the person, but rather in social transactions deemed as gendered (Bohan, 1993; Crawford, 1995).
Gender is viewed as a dynamic, social structure.
Gender is constructed from cultural and subjective meanings that constantly shift and vary, depending on the time and place (Kimmel, 1995).
For a physiological comprehensive answer definitive to both gender and sex, Trogrimson and Minson state:
“Accordingly, it is imperative that scientists and editors come to a consensus on these terms to alleviate any confusion in their usage. These words have specifically different etymologies and meanings. In the most basic sense, sex is biologically determined and gender is culturally determined. The noun sex includes the structural, functional, and behavioral characteristics of living things determined by sex chromosomes. Sex (noun) is derived from the Latin word “sexus,” meaning either of two divisions of organic nature distinguished as male or female, respectively (8). According to the Oxford English Dictionary, sex (noun) has a definition as “the sum of those differences in the structure and function of the reproductive organs on the ground of which beings are distinguished as male and female, and of the other physiological differences consequent on these; the class of phenomena with which these differences are concerned” (8). Gender can be thought of as the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex. Gender (noun) is derived from the Latin word “genus” referring to kind or race (8). Gender (noun) is defined as “a kind, sort, or class referring to the common sort of people” (8). It is through an understanding of these principal definitions that scientists can apply these terms in a specific manner to sex-based research.” (Trogrimson and Minson, 2005, p. 785).
Gender Socialization continuum
The reason for this clarification is rooted in a couple of deficiencies of the medical science community that were made apparent during the 1985 US Task Force on Women’s health that prompted the rise of sex-based research. The task force found:
Until the 1990s many American trained physiologists had been unclear on the difference between sex and gender although information proliferates other fields: “Increasingly, researchers are becoming aware of the appropriate use of the terms sex vs. gender. Still, some scientists are vaguely aware that a distinction exists between these terms or that this difference is an important one.” (Trogrimson and Minson, 2005, p. 785).
And the technical specifications of the medical establishment were configured to male health (the medical norm group was that of a 70kg male) at the expense of female health: “The prominence of research investigations using the established “norm” of a 70-kg man shaped an understanding of human biology that lacked information in regard to female specific biology, anatomy, pathology, and treatments for disease. As a result, in 1985 US federal government declared that women’s health care sciences were insufficient and prompted legal action towards “sex-based research” that has fundamentally changed modern American medical sciences.
What is Sexual Orientation and Fluidity?
Breaking down human behaviors into basic points of solid, semi-solid and fluid—like the physics of hydrogen bodies sex and gender vary across geography and time. All human behavior should be similarly varied and accordingly proper analysis between the sexes should show a relative fairness in distribution of both heterosexual and homosexual behaviors.
Evidence of human sexual and diversity exist it the “two-spirit” and “berdache” phenomena throughout indigenous North and South America; In both Europe and America, there not only is a controversial and vibrant LGBTQ culture, economy and politic, it stems out of ancient traditions as old as both Roman and Greek empires—traditions that even the modern churches still wrestle with today; Africa and the Middle East both exhibit historically demonstrate an organically occurring participation in gender and sex fluidity despite the prevalence of inhumane and prescriptive religious dogma. Although modernly prohibited, phenomena such as eunuchs have proliferated male dominated Middle Eastern cultures. And additionally, many indigenous African cultures featured matriarchal female leadership traditions’; And again in Central and Eastern Asia, sexuality although has often been formally cisgender and heterosexual, infomral agreements and market culture have lent themselves to vibrant and distinctive alternative sex cultures.
Despite the timeless information on the flexibility and relativity of human sexuality, modern sex culture tends to stay polarized in a variety of ways like sexual activity versus sexual inactivity; heterosexuality versus homosexuality; sex for profit versus sex for free; sex for meaning versus sex for pleasure. To answer what is sexual orientation and fluidity, we also have to ask what are all the social, psychological and physiological functions of sex as well. Fahs touches upon a variety of interesting qualities that include “performative sexuality” (Fahs, p. 433, 2009). In the context of bisexuality and its common erasure or marginalization as temporary, choice, or farce (Fahs, p.434). Which goes to say that “performative sexuality” can be demonstrated hypocritically to one’s identifying sexuality; it is mechanically achievable despite notions of attractiveness or preference; it is aesthetic; it is flexible. The definition is derived from Fahs, “performative bisexuality”:
“where women often deny the significance of same-sex encounters even while engaging in them, thus further challenging the meaning of bisexuality as a permanent or meaningful identity”.
In the context of women’s sexuality more readily adapts to cultural scripts and expectations and therefore indicates a plastic nature to human sexuality (Fahst, p.435). Feminist theory highlights the plasticity of human sexuality in the female context, but this also can be generalized to male as well. Although literature tends to focus solely on what sex is most inclined to “erotic plasticity” (Baumeister, p.133, 2004), the real indicators for objectively recognizing and universalizing the phenomena is to look at the conditions that facilitate orientation in not just women, but also men—which this paper aims to do.
From a sociological viewpoint, comparative studies of men’s vs women’s erotic plasticity in a time period and cultural context in which dominate the sociopolitical landscape seems Western-centric and predictably skewed. And as modernization touches upon the world, it is important that we consider factors like time, geography, politics, etc. to make any accurate statement regarding orientation as it relates to gender and behavior between the sexes. Then we also have to acknowledge our contemporary factors as they influence the sexual ideas and habits we classify as “normal” in order to maintain a scientifically informed idea of average orientation and sexual fluidity.
From survey analysis of scholarly articles, women tend to be a major focus for orientation studies. Many articles are written under the presumption of ambiguous orientation for women, often describing their behaviors with terms such as ‘bisexual”, “sexual fluidity”, “sexual plasticity” or “erotic plasticity”. However, a quick glance of male focused studies—which tend to be segregated by either gay/ homosexual or straight—use the term “situational homosexuality” (Anderson, p. 112, 2008). Other terms that arise are “heteroasculinity”, “heteromasculine currency”, “good cause (for homosexual behavior)”, “heterosexual social identity threat”, “masculine capital”, “inclusive masculinity”, “feminine coding”, “sexual object appropriation (gay or female for power)”, “queer sexism” (Anderson, p. 110-112, 2008). In this discussion of “orthodox masculinity” versus “inclusive masculinity”, we get to see a framework on how bisexuality and fluidity become negotiated and labeled—no remain unlabeled altogether.
Orthodox Masculinity
Men are sexually fluid however depending on their gender take different approaches. Orthodox masculine men will “slightly alter a traditional, sexist version of masculinity by inviting gay men to participate in their anti-feminine attitudes (Anderson, p. 111, 2008). They condone homosexual and bisexual activity and even group sex, but not feminine expression (queer sexism) nor activity that includes gay identified men, and must be without the admission of same-sex desire.
Inclusive Masculinity
On the inverse is inclusive masculinity which makes masculinity available to gay men and femininity available to straight men. What’s most interesting is how Anderson describes the not only non-toxic, but socially reparative effects of inclusive masculinity:
“These informants even celebrate the expression of femininity among men and stigmatize men who act in orthodox masculine ways. To these men, Carson is a source of pride. Thus, men exhibiting inclusive masculinity not only separate the hegemonic powers of sexuality and masculinity from heteromasculinity, but they contest the privileging of orthodox masculinity over inclusive masculinity and (to a lesser extent) the privileging of men over women” (.p111, 2008).
Inclusive masculinity men don’t require a heterosexual, conquest “good cause” motivation. Inclusively masculine orientation also sees various forms of homosexual contact (kissing, oral, masturbation) as compatible with heterosexual orientation.
From Anderson’s study, the frequency of same-sex behavior between both the orthodox masculine and inclusive masculine qualitative test groups was equal (p. 111). This reinforces that bisexuality is not unique strictly to the female population. In addition it means that men do navigate between the two polarities of orientation—homo and hetero. However the incidence of sexuality seems more frequent, varied and competitive than the women. This is suggested in the data that highlights the group sexual behaviors and the transactional logic of Orthodox masculine sexuality orientation (which is masculine currency weighed) as well as with Inclusive masculine sexual orientation (which is non-judgmental).
The Multitude of Masculinities
Finally gaining an understanding of male sexual fluidity fills in some of the gaps especially due to the sexist bias in medicine and sexology evident in the 1985 Women’s Healthy Taskforce and the lack of research on male, non-gay bisexuality. Away from the traditionally assumed categories of men—straight or gay (opposed to women’s straight, bisexual, lesbian), it can be now seen that masculinity for men is even more varied: straight, bisexual (orthodox masculine, inclusive masculine) and gay. Thanks to this deeper understanding of male sexual orientation, it can also be applied toward female studies as well, demonstrated in the following figure.
The figure displays an orientation continuum that accounts for gender currency as well as physical sexuality.
What is Men’s Rehabilitation Therapy?
After the analysis of Anderson regarding the structure of male sexuality ad gender, the heavy lifting of the said concepts constitutes the reconstruction of varied, socially sustainable masculinities. Anderson identifies Orthodox Masculinity that frames the male definition of sexual experience: transactional, competitive, prescriptive, hegemonic and misogynistic. The definition clearly facilitates an ambivalent male gender and sexuality, free of social accountability nor repercussions. It serves for exclusion and “them vs us” psychology. However, Inclusive Masculinity achieves the opposite as it is often unlabeled, gender-fluid and sex-fluid. But first we have to look and ask, just how is Orthodox Masculinity problematic and in need of reform? What are the major social challenges that we have now and how might the exacerbated or alleviated depending on the approach of masculinity?
In exploring gender and all its complexity, my personal interest and motivation is in male gender expression, sexuality and masculinity of men. Feminist Theory has posited a plethora of positive points and contributions towards the empowerment of women as well as the recruitment of feminism allies. It has also spurned motivation throughout LGBTQIA communities. However, as the knowledge unlocked from feminism has bettered society, it has also reverberated into producing negative effects: polarization of WASP men as well as paternalistic, female-negative men; the lack of minority men in nurturing positions; homophobia and marginalization of the sexuality of feminist male allies; male chauvinist MTF transgenderism; retaliatory insensitivity toward male children; and many other, seen but not heard social problems.
But through the conclusions of feminist theory—that gender is performed—I feel I can help the male world through the art therapy of modeling, performance and a safe space for the exhibition and artistic appreciation and eventually holistic rehabilitation of masculinity. Men’s Rehabilitation Therapy (MRT) takes on a restorative approach to negotiating masculinity and explores these areas which will be detailed later:
The Performance of Gender and Drama Therapy for Rehabilitation
Performance Catharsis and Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Fine, M., & McClelland, S. (2006). Sexuality education and desire: Still missing after all these years. Harvard Educational Review, 76(3), 297-338.
Torgrimson, B. N., & Minson, C. T. (2005). Sex and gender: what is the difference? Journal of Applied Physiology 2005 99:3, 785-787.
Courtenay, W. H. (2000). Constructions of masculinity and their influence on men’s well-being: a theory of gender and health. Social science & medicine, 50(10), 1385-1401.
Nancy Krieger; Genders, sexes, and health: what are the connections—and why does it matter?, International Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 32, Issue 4, 1 August 2003, Pages 652–657,
Ernst, M. M., Liao, L. M., Baratz, A. B., & Sandberg, D. E. (2018). Disorders of Sex Development/Intersex: Gaps in Psychosocial Care for Children. Pediatrics, e20174045.
Griffiths, D. A. (2018). Shifting syndromes: Sex chromosome variations and intersex classifications. Social studies of science, 48(1), 125-148.
Bela Dornon at‘s Elements, FleshBots,Naked Men Talking Series, and more. (San Diego)
When we participate in photographing and being photographed we are also engaging in mirror-gazing, but in a positive and prolonged fashion. Artistic figure modeling allows us to understand the plastic nature of our bodies and how we have enough power over our aesthetic to affect all the formal artistic principles such as negative and positive space, symmetry, radial balance, color theory, mood, etc. In the nude we find liberty and separation from both our form and sexuality. We find out which parts of our bodies imbue us with strength or which parts imbue us with vulnerability. And like any practice in Mindfulness, photography freezes that moment in time so that we can meditate upon it and seek enlightenment. It allows us to realize that we have no “flaws” but instead just rich, meaningful detail which we can accentuate as loudly or as quietly as we’d like.
My photographic approach at QABPROSERV,COM focuses on these aspects in Western psychological health, Eastern awareness and African-American creative channeling. As a working model for several years, I share my personal guidance on physical awareness, poise, libidinal expression, spiritual inspiration, professional negotiation, masculinity and more. This information is also accentuated by professional-level education in Linguistics, Arts, Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling and traditional Korean Martial Arts. And to top it off, I include my cultural intuition and understanding about the nature of Artist and Muse via my African-American heritage that has a lineage traced from Negro Spirituals and Hoodooism to the Continental source of Vodun, spiritual mounting and masquerade.
Incorporating philosophy, counseling and arts has been a evolutionary process built off of professional training and experience spanning martial arts, visual arts, education, counseling and academia. My modeling experience includes simple fashion, editorial, traditional life drawing, highly adult erotica. One of the most valuable lessons I have been able to apply from counseling is understanding Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy as they apply to human capacity. Not only is my physical artistry inclusive of a second degree black belt in martial arts and cross training in yoga and weightlifting, my formal education on the arts includes curriculum on the Renaissance, modern art, Japanese art from Osaka University of Arts and a rich philosophical basis in Pan-African arts. As a model not only do I bring the sensual mastery of my body, I also bring a sophisticated epistemology of aesthetics.
Read more on my unique philosophy on modeling on the long-running blog Favorite Hunks.
① Marketing Sessions:
IFBB Pro Nicholas Bustos, c/o QABPROSERV Photography
This session is more casual and allows you to capture and develop your general professional image. Much like fashion analysis, this allows you to cover the general gamut of your confidences and also gather personal data on your own psychology with an assortment of optional exams. like DiSC, Myers-Briggs, RIASEC, etc. The session includes portrait, body measurements and figure analysis.
This session is ideal for individuals interested in fashion photography or just developing professional images for their job search.
Marketing Sessions are prerequisite for sessions 2 and 3 unless a supplementary portfolio is provided.
1. Application Interview/2. Assesssments/ 3. Video Interview & Headshots
② Physique Sessions:
IFBB Pro Nicholas Bustos, c/o QABPROSERV Photography
This utilizes photography to give you an analytical view of your form and assess what you like and where you’d like to improve. Combined with my own philosophical health and fitness approach Gekkyoudou™, we’ll develop strategies you can implement including establishing concentration areas of isolated resistance training; specific limbering exercises for maintaining musculoskeletal health; all-context confidence building exercises to be exhibition-ready in any public arena; and lastly styling and fashioning aesthetics, focusing on what male styling–hairstyle, body hair, body art, fashion, etc..–are ideal is establishing your brand and aesthetic.
Physique Sessions are prerequisite for session 3 unless a supplementary portfolio is provided.
IFBB Pro Nicholas Bustos, c/o QABPROSERV Photography
We arrange an evening and review some basic poses and angles for photography. And then strategically catch the allure of the model using the natural early morning light. For professional reasons the boudoir session cannot be hosted in-studio. However in the private environment, confidentiality can be maintained along with the signature of liability release and waiver. The session allows you to bridge the gap from simplistic intimate awareness as an individual to becoming the exhibitionist channel of confidence that an artist’s muse exudes about even the most private aspects of their bodies. In this we create an environment where you feel appreciated, valuable and substantial about your entire physical geography. This photography incorporates principles of intimacy following a format as close to the principles of the International Professional Surrogate Association as possible–an ethical foundations I admire and aspire toward.
Boudoir Sessions are ideal for actors, performers and bodywork professionals who are actively marketing in their profession and want to maintain a sharp awareness as they are both spokesperson and technician behind their brand.
Marketing and Physique Sessions are prerequisite for session 3 unless a supplementary portfolio is provided that demonstrates both Marketing and Physique,.
“I think part of being masculine is not needing to prove it and not needing to answer for it.”
–Corey Stoll
Not Just A Woman’s Problem
Ellih Russ Photography
According to the Phillips, et al. studies have indicated that as much as 43% of American men have dissatisfaction with their bodies and its subsequent appearance (Phillips 2001). The research finds that men seek non-psychiatric treatment like plastic surgery, dermatology, supplements, fitness, etc., often under the impression that there is an ever evasive “defect” about their bodies. Many men are reported to spend large amounts of time seeking treatment for their skin; seeking plastic surgery; or obsessive detail in their exercise and diet. The research notes “Men with body dysmorphic disorder are most commonly preoccupied with their skin (for example, with acne or scarring), hair (thinning), nose (size or shape), or genitals.” (Phillips 2001, p1).
The manifestation of these obsessive problems contribute to body dysmorphic disorder/ dysmorphophobia and muscle dysmorphic disorder/ “bigorexia”. “Bigorexia” can be especially unique in that men who experience it are not only muscular, but sometimes exceptionally or ideally muscular (Pope 2005). In all cases, the condition can often be noted as disabling when it impairs socialization, job performance, attaining employment, quality of mental health; and has significantly lead to the abuse of anabolic steroids, severe isolation or even suicidal ideation (Phillips 2001, p1). In a another study even the increased likelihood of violent behavior was also suggested (Lucas 2002). The evidence that a healthy self-image for men is an absolute necessity rather than just a narcissistic luxury is more than apparent.
Fortunately Phillips et. al. also indicates that Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is also as effective in establishing healthier body norms as the use of medication (Phillips 2001, p2). Veal supports an approach for CBT that creates a healthy ethic when we mirror-gaze composed of several points:
1) “Use mirrors at a slight distance and use ones that are large enough to show most of the body”;
2) “Focus attention on the reflection in the mirror rather than on how you feel”;
3) “Use a mirror only for an agreed function (e.g. shaving, putting on make-up) and for a limited period of time”;
4) “Use a variety of different mirrors and lights rather than sticking to the one you ‘trust’ “;
5) “Focus attention on the whole of your face rather than on selected areas”;
6) “Do not use mirrors that magnify”;
7) “Do not use ambiguous reflections (e.g. windows, the backs of compact disks or cutlery)”;
8) “Do not to use a mirror when you feel depressed: try to delay essential use until you feel happier or find other things to do until the urge to mirror-gaze has passed” (Veal 2001, p 131).
Washio Taro (Osaka & Tokyo)
Veal essentially outlines an approach on how to look at ourselves aesthetically. Just as in art appreciation, even with ourselves, there is a formal and trained way to look. We have to understand it is not just the arrangement of paint or shapes on a canvas or plane–nor is it just the configuration of skin, fat, muscle and bone structure around our souls–but its also the story, emotions, thoughts and meanings that make the aesthetic and value. Veal finds the fundamental flaw in thought is “overgeneralization in which the ‘self’ is identified only through the external appearance (the person is an aesthetic object) and all other values and selves are diminished.” (Veal 2001, p131) And rightly so, we are more than an aesthetic object. Like all artwork we are objects of meaning that coincidentally also hold an aesthetic value over which we have significant influence.
Phillips, K. A., & Castle, D. J. (2001). Body dysmorphic disorder in men : Psychiatric treatments are usually effective. BMJ : British Medical Journal, 323(7320), 1015–1016.
Pope, C. G., Pope, H. G., Menard, W., Fay, C., Olivardia, R., & Phillips, K. A. (2005). Clinical features of muscle dysmorphia among males with body dysmorphic disorder. Body Image, 2(4), 395–400.
Lucas, P. (2002). Violence may be serious in men with body dysmorphic disorder. BMJ : British Medical Journal, 324(7338), 678.