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 Get Informed advice.

Its difficult in this day and age to navigate information. What started in y2k as the Age of Information in 2010s quickly transformed into an age of misinformation. QABRPROSRV offers a broad array of information counseling services to make sure you can have clarity when your friends are too busy, your family cannot be impartial and your colleagues lack innovation. In addition my research cross checks academic and time relevant sources. Let’s tackle your concerns regarding:

  • Education & Career guidance. Including K-12 planning, college, post-secondary, vocational and nontraditional form an actionable and holistic plan. Also get tailored advice for rehabilitation, reentry, private practitioners, independent contractors, private sector professionals, government employees, non-profit professionals, independent artists, entertainers and even adult performers. References include a variety of theories including those of Holland, Super, Krumboltz and Marston develop an employment trajectory tailored to your passions, talents and lifestyle needs.
  • Personal development. We are all inalienably entitled to mental, physical, spiritual and even romantic exploration on the road to what Carl Jung called “individuation” and our establishment of our identity. Application of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs for holistic planning.
  • Ergonomic Fitness advice. Guidance through easy-going, ergonomic and body-positive tips on general fitness including martial arts, cardiovascular exercise, stretching and dietary habits from over 20 years of fitness experience in Korean Karate, sports yoga, meditation, art modeling and Masters in Science training in cognitive, psychiatric and physical disabilities.
  • Diversity & Inclusion Consulting. Systemic bias and discrimination  is an insidious social problem adversely affecting our lives across the board, across every demographic. The delusion of “normality” marginalizes people with various traits. Learn your rights, resources and advocacy vocabulary to ensure quality of life for yourself as well as those you care about.
  • LGBT Men’s Support. Toxic masculinity is a buzzword in the important fight to upload Women’s Rights. Learn how it fits into the larger picture of Gender Toxicity which also includes those onstances in which men and non-cis gender people are in the minority.
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Be Your Own Superhero – Hire Minds Coalition

Black Mental Health During COVID-19

Systemic Racism

Working from Home for Disability & COVID-19

Gender Toxicity

X-Men as Vocational Rehabilitation Archetype

Cognitive Rehabilitation Specialization Portfolio



Qamarism: A Personal Counseling Approach


X-MEN as VR Archetype

All Education, Special: Emphasizing Universal Educational Design for Disability and ESL Students

In Progress

Realising the X-Men in VR Counseling: Secret Identities

SDSU AMP Program as a vocational infrastructure for Southern California

SYSTRAN for carbon organisms: How psycholinguistics applies to cognition, thought qunatification and behavioral modification

The Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor: An Agent and Talent Manager of Authenticity, Humility and Substance.

Casualties of the Mars and Venus War: Ableism and Disableism; Sex and Gender


Janda, L. H., & O’Grady, K. E. (1980). Development of a sex anxiety inventory. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 48(2), 169.

Assistive technology, art, framing, exoskeleton and the bodice. Disability and adornment.

African-American Traditional Principles as an American Confucianism and Ethical Panace for Sociopathology

An Overview of Cognitive Vocational Disability Challenges of Refugee and Immigrant Populations

“Inappropriate Behavior”: The Neglect of Maslowian Sexual Needs of People with Disabilities.
Sources for Citation:
Janda, L. H., & O’Grady, K. E. (1980). Development of a sex anxiety inventory. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 48(2), 169.

Sexual surrogacy: Redefining sex work and decriminalizing prostitution.
Sources for Citation:
Janda, L. H., & O’Grady, K. E. (1980). Development of a sex anxiety inventory. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 48(2), 169.

Eliminating Malpractice: Incorporating Proximity and Social Distancing Principles in Program and Practice Design for Protecting Client’s Rights through Telehealth and Virtual Systems.

Hundt, N. E., Barrera, T. L., Arney, J., & Stanley, M. A. (2016). “It’s Worth It in the End”: Veterans’ Experiences in Prolonged Exposure and Cognitive Processing Therapy. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice.

Landy, R. (2006) The future of drama therapy. The Arts in psychotherapy 33(2): 135-142.

Steve M. Dorman. (1997) Video and Computer Games: Effect on Children and Implications for Health Education. Journal of School Health 67:10.1111/josh.1997.67.issue-4, 133-138

Kedem-Tahar, E., & Felix-Kellermann, P. (1996). Psychodrama and drama therapy: A comparison. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 23(1), 27-36.

Fine, M., & McClelland, S. (2006). Sexuality education and desire: Still missing after all these years. Harvard Educational Review, 76(3), 297-338.

Torgrimson, B. N., & Minson, C. T. (2005). Sex and gender: what is the difference? Journal of Applied Physiology 2005 99:3, 785-787.

Courtenay, W. H. (2000). Constructions of masculinity and their influence on men’s well-being: a theory of gender and health. Social science & medicine, 50(10), 1385-1401.

Nancy Krieger; Genders, sexes, and health: what are the connections—and why does it matter?, International Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 32, Issue 4, 1 August 2003, Pages 652–657,

Ernst, M. M., Liao, L. M., Baratz, A. B., & Sandberg, D. E. (2018). Disorders of Sex Development/Intersex: Gaps in Psychosocial Care for Children. Pediatrics, e20174045.

Griffiths, D. A. (2018). Shifting syndromes: Sex chromosome variations and intersex classifications. Social studies of science, 48(1), 125-148.’Being%20Masculine%20is%20not%20about%20who%20you%20Sleep%20with…’%20Heterosexual%20Athletes%20Contesting%20Masculinity%20and%20the%20One-Time%20Rule%20of%20Homosexuality%20%5BSex%20Roles%5D.pdf

Anderson, E. (2008). “Being masculine is not about who you sleep with…:” heterosexual athletes contesting masculinity and the one-time rule of homosexuality. Sex roles58(1-2), 104-115.

Baumeister, R. F. (2004). Gender and erotic plasticity: Sociocultural influences on the sex drive. Sexual and relationship therapy19(2), 133-139.

Fisher, V., & Kinsey, S. (2014). Behind closed doors! Homosocial desire and the academic boys club. Gender in management: An international Journal29(1), 44-64.

Fahs, B. (2009). Compulsory bisexuality?: The challenges of modern sexual fluidity. Journal of Bisexuality9(3-4), 431-449.

Kiesling, S. F. (2005). Homosocial desire in men’s talk: Balancing and re-creating cultural discourses of masculinity. Language in Society34(5), 695-726.

Hickey-Moody, A. (2015). CARBON FIBRE MASCULINITY: disability and surfaces of homosociality. Angelaki20(1), 139-153.

Fine, M., & McClelland, S. (2006). Sexuality education and desire: Still missing after all these years. Harvard Educational Review, 76(3), 297-338.

Torgrimson, B. N., & Minson, C. T. (2005). Sex and gender: what is the difference? Journal of Applied Physiology 2005 99:3, 785-787.

Courtenay, W. H. (2000). Constructions of masculinity and their influence on men’s well-being: a theory of gender and health. Social science & medicine, 50(10), 1385-1401.

Nancy Krieger; Genders, sexes, and health: what are the connections—and why does it matter?, International Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 32, Issue 4, 1 August 2003, Pages 652–657,

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Gender Studies

Fag-Shaming: A feminism-complimentary approach to male sexual stigma issues Sources for Citation: Janda, L. H., & O’Grady, K. E. (1980). Development of a sex anxiety inventory. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 48(2), 169.; Online sample assessment

Fag-Shaming: A feminism-complimentary approach to male sexual stigma issues Sources for Citation: Janda, L. H., & O’Grady, K. E. (1980). Development of a sex anxiety inventory. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 48(2), 169.; Online sample assessment